Friso Henstra «Mighty Mizzling Mouse and the red cabbage house»

Бессловесная книжка-картинка нидерландского художника Фризо Хенстры о паре мышей, вознамерившейся построить себе милый домик из красной капусты. После долгих усилий дом, наконец, готов — но неожиданно он заинтересовывает кое-кого еще и внезапно становится ужином для одного коварного и очень голодного кролика.

Cecil Aldin’s merry party

«Cecil Aldin’s Merry Party» is an amusing poem about a hunting party and its various invitees. This delightfully illustrated poem will appeal to fans of hunting, and would make for a great addition to collections of related literature. Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin (1870 – 1935) was a British artist and illustrator most remembered for his illustration of animals, sports, and rural life. Many vintage texts such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive, and it is with this in mind that we are republishing this book now, in an affordable, high-quality, modern edition. It comes complete with a specially commissioned biography of the author. This book was originally published in 1913.